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IXmlDataExporter Properties

The IXmlDataExporter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFolders
Gets the set of folders to be exported.
Public propertyIncludeAccessControlLists
Gets or sets if the ACL entries should be exported.
Public propertyIncludeAllFileVersions
Gets or sets if all file versions should be exported. If set to false only the latest version is exported.
Public propertyIncludeAuditInfo
Gets or sets if audit information (Created/Changed By/On) should be exported.
Public propertyIncludeFiles
Gets or sets if file versions should be exported.
Public propertyIncludeFolders
Gets or sets if foldes should be exported.
Public propertyObjects
Gets the set of objects to be exported.
Public propertyRecursive
Gets or sets if the subfolder structures should be included in the export set.
See Also