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IVaultUrlBuilder Methods

The IVaultUrlBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodAppendFileContent
Appends binary content to a file.
(Inherited from IVaultProtocol.)
Public methodBuildAppendUrl
Public methodBuildDeleteUrl
Public methodBuildDownloadUrl(Boolean, String, Int64, Int32, DateTime)
Public methodBuildDownloadUrl(Boolean, String, DateTime, String, String, String)
Public methodBuildDownloadUrlInfo
Public methodBuildUploadUrl
Public methodBuildUploadUrlInfo
Public methodBuildUrl(String, String, DateTime) Obsolete.
Public methodBuildUrl(Boolean, String, String, DateTime) Obsolete.
Public methodBuildUrl(String, String, Int64, Int32, DateTime) Obsolete.
Public methodBuildUrl(String, String, String, String, DateTime) Obsolete.
Public methodBuildUrl(Boolean, String, String, Int64, Int32, DateTime) Obsolete.
Public methodBuildUrl(Boolean, String, String, String, String, DateTime) Obsolete.
Public methodBuildUrl(String, String, String, String, String, DateTime) Obsolete.
Public methodBuildUrl(Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, DateTime) Obsolete.
Public methodCreateFileContent
Creates a new file content by sending the binary content in a single chunk.
(Inherited from IVaultProtocol.)
Public methodCreateFileContentPartCancel
Cancels the file content creation process.
(Inherited from IVaultProtocol.)
Public methodCreateFileContentPartComplete
Completes the file content creation process.
(Inherited from IVaultProtocol.)
Public methodCreateFileContentPartContinue
Continues the file content creation process by sequentially providing a chunk of binary data.
(Inherited from IVaultProtocol.)
Public methodCreateFileContentPartStart
Initiates a file content creation process.
(Inherited from IVaultProtocol.)
Public methodDeleteFileContent
Deletes a file content.
(Inherited from IVaultProtocol.)
Public methodGetFileContentSize
Retrieves the content file size.
(Inherited from IVaultProtocol.)
Public methodRetrieveFileContent
Retrieves the file content.
(Inherited from IVaultProtocol.)
Public methodRetrieveFileContentPart
Retrieves a segment of the file content.
(Inherited from IVaultProtocol.)
See Also