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IceNetTexts Methods

The IceNetTexts type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberChangedOnBy
Gets localized text: Changed on {0} by {1}
Public methodStatic memberCreatedOnBy
Gets localized text: Created on {0} by {1}
Public methodStatic memberLockedOnBy
Gets localized text: Locked on {0} by {1}
Public methodStatic memberMissingPermissionOnItem
Gets localized text: Missing permission on {0} [Name={1}]. You have [{2}] but you need [{3}].
Public methodStatic memberMissingPermissionOnItemWithId
Gets localized text: Missing permission on {0} [Name={1}], [ID={2}]. You have [{3}] but you need [{4}].
Public methodStatic memberMissingQualificationOnItemWithId
Gets localized text: Missing qualification [{0}] for {1} [Name={2}], [ID={3}].
See Also