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IceQueryDataSourceView Properties

The IceQueryDataSourceView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanDelete
Gets a value indicating whether the DataSourceView object associated with the current DataSourceControl object supports the ExecuteDelete(IDictionary, IDictionary) operation.
(Inherited from DataSourceView.)
Public propertyCanInsert
Gets a value indicating whether the DataSourceView object associated with the current DataSourceControl object supports the ExecuteInsert(IDictionary) operation.
(Inherited from DataSourceView.)
Public propertyCanPage (Overrides DataSourceViewCanPage.)
Public propertyCanRetrieveTotalRowCount (Overrides DataSourceViewCanRetrieveTotalRowCount.)
Public propertyCanSort (Overrides DataSourceViewCanSort.)
Public propertyCanUpdate
Gets a value indicating whether the DataSourceView object associated with the current DataSourceControl object supports the ExecuteUpdate(IDictionary, IDictionary, IDictionary) operation.
(Inherited from DataSourceView.)
Protected propertyEvents
Gets a list of event-handler delegates for the data source view.
(Inherited from DataSourceView.)
Public propertyIceNetPage
Public propertyIceNetUserName
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the data source view.
(Inherited from DataSourceView.)
Public propertyParameters
The query parameters. The exact type of the Parameters property depends on the type of the query.
Public propertyQueryData
Public propertyQueryFile
Public propertyRepository
Public propertyResourceName
See Also