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TextUtils Methods

The TextUtils type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCompressText
Compress given text into a more compact representation.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateShortId
Generates a short, printable identifier with a high probability of uniqueness.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllResourceTexts(String)
Gets all localized texts that are statically present. Texts of custom text prociders are not available.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllResourceTexts(String, CultureInfo)
Gets all localized texts that are statically present. Texts of custom text prociders are not available.
Public methodStatic memberGetResourceText(String, String)
Gets the localized text by resource key. If no appropriate text is available, an exception is thrown.
Public methodStatic memberGetResourceText(String, String, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized text by resource key. If no appropriate text is available, an exception is thrown.
Public methodStatic memberGetResourceText(String, String, String)
Gets the localized text by resource key. If no appropriate text is available, the default text is returned.
Public methodStatic memberGetResourceText(String, String, CultureInfo, String)
Gets the localized text by resource key. If no appropriate text is available, the default text is returned.
Public methodStatic memberGetSafeMarkdownHtml(String)
Converts a Markdown text into a safe HTML snippet. Tags that are not white-listed are removed.
Public methodStatic memberGetSafeMarkdownHtml(String, Boolean)
Converts a Markdown text into a safe HTML snippet. Tags that are not white-listed are removed.
Public methodStatic memberGetSafeMarkdownHtml(String, String)
Converts a Markdown text into a safe HTML document stored in a XmlDocument. Tags that are not white-listed are removed.
Public methodStatic memberGetSeparatedNames
Retrieves a separated and cleaned list of names from a (comma|blank|...)-separated string.
Public methodStatic memberGetUnsafeMarkdownHtml
Converts a Markdown text into a unsafe HTML document stored in a XmlDocument. Tags that are not white-listed are not removed.
Public methodStatic memberInsertZeroWidthSpaces
Inserts ZWSP characters into a text to break it into chunks of a defined maximum size.
Public methodStatic memberIsLegalChar
Indicates whether a given character is valid to be used in an ice.NET name, description, attribute value, etc.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidText(String)
Indicates whether a given text is valid to be used as an ice.NET name, description, attribute value, etc.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidText(String, Int32)
Indicates whether a given text is valid to be used as an ice.NET name, description, attribute value, etc.
Public methodStatic memberReplaceLineBreaks
Returns a new string in which all line breaks (different variants) of a specified string are replaced with another specified string.
Public methodStatic memberToCamelCase
Converts an arbitrary string (perferrably a valid identifier) into its camel-cased variant.
Public methodStatic memberUncompressText
Uncompress text previously compressed with CompressText(String).
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleWildcardToRegex
Converts a wildcard string pattern ('*' and '?' wildcards) into a regular expression.
See Also