TextUtils Methods |
The TextUtils type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CompressText |
Compress given text into a more compact representation.
| |
GenerateShortId |
Generates a short, printable identifier with a high probability of uniqueness.
| |
GetAllResourceTexts(String) |
Gets all localized texts that are statically present. Texts of custom text prociders are not available.
| |
GetAllResourceTexts(String, CultureInfo) |
Gets all localized texts that are statically present. Texts of custom text prociders are not available.
| |
GetResourceText(String, String) |
Gets the localized text by resource key. If no appropriate text is available,
an exception is thrown.
| |
GetResourceText(String, String, CultureInfo) |
Gets the localized text by resource key. If no appropriate text is available,
an exception is thrown.
| |
GetResourceText(String, String, String) |
Gets the localized text by resource key. If no appropriate text is available,
the default text is returned.
| |
GetResourceText(String, String, CultureInfo, String) |
Gets the localized text by resource key. If no appropriate text is available,
the default text is returned.
| |
GetSafeMarkdownHtml(String) |
Converts a Markdown text into a safe HTML snippet.
Tags that are not white-listed are removed.
| |
GetSafeMarkdownHtml(String, Boolean) |
Converts a Markdown text into a safe HTML snippet.
Tags that are not white-listed are removed.
| |
GetSafeMarkdownHtml(String, String) |
Converts a Markdown text into a safe HTML document stored in a XmlDocument.
Tags that are not white-listed are removed.
| |
GetSeparatedNames |
Retrieves a separated and cleaned list of names from a (comma|blank|...)-separated string.
| |
GetUnsafeMarkdownHtml |
Converts a Markdown text into a unsafe HTML document stored in a XmlDocument.
Tags that are not white-listed are not removed.
| |
InsertZeroWidthSpaces |
Inserts ZWSP characters into a text to break it into chunks of a defined maximum size.
| |
IsLegalChar |
Indicates whether a given character is valid to be used in an ice.NET name, description, attribute value, etc.
| |
IsValidText(String) |
Indicates whether a given text is valid to be used as an ice.NET name, description, attribute value, etc.
| |
IsValidText(String, Int32) |
Indicates whether a given text is valid to be used as an ice.NET name, description, attribute value, etc.
| |
ReplaceLineBreaks |
Returns a new string in which all line breaks (different variants) of a specified string are replaced with another specified string.
| |
ToCamelCase |
Converts an arbitrary string (perferrably a valid identifier) into its camel-cased variant.
| |
UncompressText |
Uncompress text previously compressed with CompressText(String).
| |
WildcardToRegex |
Converts a wildcard string pattern ('*' and '?' wildcards) into a regular expression.