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EventLogTraceListener Methods

The EventLogTraceListener type exposes the following members.

Public methodClose (Overrides TraceListenerClose.)
Public methodCreateObjRef
Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the TraceListener.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) (Overrides TraceListenerDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFail(String)
Emits an error message to the listener you create when you implement the TraceListener class.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Public methodFail(String, String)
Emits an error message and a detailed error message to the listener you create when you implement the TraceListener class.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFlush
When overridden in a derived class, flushes the output buffer.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetInitializeDataSettings
Interprets a comma-separated list of assignments and returns it as a dictionary.
Public methodGetLifetimeService
Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected methodGetSupportedAttributes
Gets the custom attributes supported by the trace listener.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitializeLifetimeService
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone(Boolean)
Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTraceData(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, Object) (Overrides TraceListenerTraceData(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, Object).)
Public methodTraceData(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, Object) (Overrides TraceListenerTraceData(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, Object).)
Public methodTraceEvent(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32)
Writes trace and event information to the listener specific output.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Public methodTraceEvent(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, String) (Overrides TraceListenerTraceEvent(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, String).)
Public methodTraceEvent(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, String, Object) (Overrides TraceListenerTraceEvent(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, String, Object).)
Public methodTraceTransfer
Writes trace information, a message, a related activity identity and event information to the listener specific output.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Public methodWrite(Object)
Writes the value of the object's ToString method to the listener you create when you implement the TraceListener class.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Public methodWrite(String) (Overrides TraceListenerWrite(String).)
Public methodWrite(String, String)
Writes a category name and a message to the listener you create when you implement the TraceListener class.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Public methodWrite(Object, String)
Writes a category name and the value of the object's ToString method to the listener you create when you implement the TraceListener class.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Protected methodWriteIndent
Writes the indent to the listener you create when you implement this class, and resets the NeedIndent property to false.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Public methodWriteLine(Object)
Writes the value of the object's ToString method to the listener you create when you implement the TraceListener class, followed by a line terminator.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Public methodWriteLine(String) (Overrides TraceListenerWriteLine(String).)
Public methodWriteLine(String, String)
Writes a category name and a message to the listener you create when you implement the TraceListener class, followed by a line terminator.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
Public methodWriteLine(Object, String)
Writes a category name and the value of the object's ToString method to the listener you create when you implement the TraceListener class, followed by a line terminator.
(Inherited from TraceListener.)
See Also