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BatchJobQueryFieldType Enumeration

The batch job query field type.

Namespace:  PDTec.IceNet.Domain.BatchHub.Service.Interface
Assembly:  PDTec.IceNet.Domain.BatchHub (in PDTec.IceNet.Domain.BatchHub.dll) Version: (7.2.7583.15464)
public enum BatchJobQueryFieldType
  Member nameValueDescription
Id0 The batch job ID.
Description1 The batch job description.
QueueName2 The queue name.
Lane3 The lane number.
Priority4 The batch job priority.
Status5 The batch job status.
CompletionStatus6 The batch job completion status.
ProcessingExpired7 A flag indicating that the processing duration is exceeded.
SubmittedBy8 The name of the user that submitted the job.
SubmittedOn9 The point of time the batch job has been submitted.
ScheduledOn10 The point of time the batch job has been assigned to a worker.
ProcessedBy11 The name of the worker that picked up the job.
CompletedOn12 The point of time the batch job has been completed.
Property13 A custom property (specified by PropertyName field).
See Also