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IFolder Methods

The IFolder type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddKey
Adds a new key to the folder. The key must be unique within the system context (e.g. unique per database).
Public methodCreateChild
Creates new child folder.
Public methodDeleteKey
Removes a key from the folder.
Public methodDestroy
Deletes the folder. Deletes all contained objects.
Public methodGetT(String, Boolean, Int32)
Retrieves all objects of a specific type contained in the folder up to a maximum number and returns them with a specific business object interface. This method fails if at least one of the objects specified by pObjType does not implement the T business object interface.
Public methodGetT(IObjType, Boolean, Int32)
Retrieves all objects of a specific type contained in the folder up to a maximum number and returns them with a specific business object interface. This method fails if at least one of the objects specified by pObjType does not implement the T business object interface.
Public methodGetChildFolders
Retrieves the child folders.
Public methodGetKeys
Retrieves the folder's (unique) keys.
Public methodGetObjects
Retrieves all objects contained in the folder.
Public methodGetObjects(Int32)
Retrieves all objects contained in the folder up to a maximum number.
Public methodGetObjects(String, Boolean, Int32)
Retrieves all objects of a specific type contained in the folder up to a maximum number.
Public methodGetObjects(IObjType, Boolean, Int32)
Retrieves all objects of a specific type contained in the folder up to a maximum number.
Public methodGetObjectsCount
Retrieves the number of objects contained in the folder.
Public methodGetParentFolder
Retrieves the parent folder (if this is not the root folder).
Public methodMoveTo
Moves the folder to another folder.
Public methodReload
Refreshes the folder data from secondary storage (e.g. database) if available. Use this method to retrieve up-to-date audit information (ChangedBy, ChangedOn properties).
Public methodSetChildFolderIndex
Sets the sequence index of the child folder.
Public methodSetChildFolderIndices
Reorders the child folders sequence.
Public methodTouch
Updates the ChangedBy and ChangedOn information.
See Also