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IDatabaseRepository Methods

The IDatabaseRepository type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddAuthorization(String, String, Int32)
Adds authorization for the party to the profile.
Public methodAddAuthorization(IFolder, String, Int32)
Adds authorization for the party to the folder.
Public methodAddAuthorization(IObject, String, Int32)
Adds authorization for the party to the object.
Public methodAddAuthorization(IPackage, String, Int32)
Adds authorization for the party to the package.
Public methodAddAuthorization(IParty, String, Int32)
Adds authorization for the party to the party.
Public methodAddAuthorization(AuthorizedItemType, String, String, Int32)
Adds authorization for the party to the item.
Public methodAddFavorite(String, IFolder)
Adds a folder to the users favorites.
Public methodAddFavorite(String, IObject)
Adds an object to the users favorites.
Public methodAddFavorite(String, IFolder, String)
Adds a folder to the users favorites.
Public methodAddFavorite(String, IObject, String)
Adds an object to the users favorites.
Public methodAssignQualification(IFolder, String, String)
Assigns a qualification for the party to the folder.
Public methodAssignQualification(IObject, String, String)
Assigns a qualification for the party to the object.
Public methodCode exampleBeginTransaction
Starts a transaction and returns the transaction context.
Public methodCode exampleBeginTransaction(IsolationLevel)
Starts a transaction with a specific isolation level and returns the transaction context.
Public methodCheckAuthorization(String, String, Int32)
Checks if the user has the required authorization level for the profile and otherwise throws an exception.
Public methodCheckAuthorization(IFolder, String, Int32)
Checks if the user has the required authorization level for the folder and otherwise throws an exception.
Public methodCheckAuthorization(IObject, String, Int32)
Checks if the user has the required authorization level for the object and otherwise throws an exception.
Public methodCheckAuthorization(IPackage, String, Int32)
Checks if the user has the required authorization level for the package and otherwise throws an exception.
Public methodCheckAuthorization(IParty, String, Int32)
Checks if the user has the required authorization level for the party and otherwise throws an exception.
Public methodCheckAuthorization(AuthorizedItemType, String, String, Int32)
Checks if the user has the required authorization for the item and otherwise throws an exception.
Public methodCheckQualification(IFolder, String, String)
Checks if the user has the required qualification for the folder and otherwise throws an exception.
Public methodCheckQualification(IObject, String, String)
Checks if the user has the required qualification for the object and otherwise throws an exception.
Public methodCompileQuery
Compiles a query to a database-specific representation. Use this method to increase performance by keeping intermediate compilation results.
Public methodCreateAttrType
Create an attribute type. Fails if an attribute type with the same name already exists.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodCreateGroup
Creates a group.
Public methodCreateNumberRange
Creates a number range.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodCreateObjType
Create an object type. Fails if an object type with the same name already exists.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodCreatePackage
Create new UML package. Fails if a package with the same name already exists.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodCreateProfile
Creates a profile.
Public methodCreateQualification
Creates a qualification.
Public methodCreateRelType
Create a relationship type. Fails if an relationship type with the same name already exists.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodCreateRole
Creates a role.
Public methodCreateUser(String, String, String, String)
Creates a user.
Public methodCreateUser(String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Creates a user.
Public methodCreateUser(String, String, String, String, String)
Creates a user.
Public methodCreateUser(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Creates a user.
Public methodCreateVault
Creates a vault.
Public methodDeleteFavorite(String, IFolder)
Removes an object from the users favorites.
Public methodDeleteFavorite(String, IObject)
Removes a folder from the users favorites.
Public methodDeleteFileContentTrackedPath
Deletes the tracked path of a file content.
Public methodExecuteQuery(ICompiledQuery, IQueryParameters)
Executes a precompiled query.
Public methodExecuteQuery(IQuerySpecification, IQueryParameters)
Executes a query specification directly. Use this method as a shortcut if the query should not be precompiled.
Public methodCode exampleExecuteTransaction(Transactional)
Executes a code block as a transaction. If a transaction is already active, the code is executed within the scope of this transaction.
Public methodCode exampleExecuteTransaction(IsolationLevel, Transactional)
Executes a code block as a transaction with a specific isolation level. If a transaction is already active, the code is executed within the scope of this transaction. In this case the isolationLevel argument is ignored.
Public methodGetT
Retrieves an object with a specific business object interface.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetAttrTypeById
Retrieves an attribute type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetAttrTypeByName
Retrieves an attribute type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetAttrTypes
Retrieves all attribute types.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetAuthorizationLevel(String, String)
Gets the authorization level.
Public methodGetAuthorizationLevel(IFolder, String)
Gets the authorization level.
Public methodGetAuthorizationLevel(IObject, String)
Gets the authorization level.
Public methodGetAuthorizationLevel(IPackage, String)
Gets the authorization level.
Public methodGetAuthorizationLevel(IParty, String)
Gets the authorization level.
Public methodGetAuthorizationLevel(AuthorizedItemType, String, String)
Gets the authorization level.
Public methodGetAuthorizations(String)
Gets all authorization entries of the profile.
Public methodGetAuthorizations(IFolder)
Gets all authorization entries of the folder.
Public methodGetAuthorizations(IObject)
Gets all authorization entries of the object.
Public methodGetAuthorizations(IPackage)
Gets all authorization entries of the package.
Public methodGetAuthorizations(IParty)
Gets all authorization entries of the party.
Public methodGetAuthorizations(AuthorizedItemType, String)
Gets all authorization entries of the item.
Public methodGetByKeyT
Retrieves an object with a specific business object interface identified by its key.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetConcurrentSessions
Gets all concurrent sessions (user and timestamp) that have been active after a specific timestamp.
Public methodGetDatabaseParameters
Gets database parameters.
Public methodGetDatabaseStatistics
Gets database statistics information.
Public methodGetFavoriteFolders
Gets the favorite folders of a user.
Public methodGetFavoriteObjects(String)
Gets the favorite objects of a user.
Public methodGetFavoriteObjects(String, IObjType)
Gets the favorite objects of a user filtered by object type.
Public methodGetFavoriteObjects(String, String)
Gets the favorite objects of a user filtered by object type.
Public methodGetFileContentByUuid
Gets the file content by UUID.
Public methodGetFileContentList(FileContentFilter, String, DateTime, String, String, Int32) Obsolete.
Gets a list of file contents based on various criteria ordered by UUID.
Public methodGetFileContentList(FileContentFilter, String, DateTime, DateTime, String, String, Int32)
Gets a list of file contents based on various criteria ordered by UUID.
Public methodGetFileContentTrackedPath
Gets the tracked path of a file content.
Public methodGetFileContentUsageByUuid
Gets the file content usage by UUID.
Public methodGetFolder
Retrieves a folder.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetFolderByKey
Retrieves a folder by its key.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetGroupById
Gets a group by ID.
Public methodGetGroupByName
Gets a group by name.
Public methodGetGroups
Gets all groups.
Public methodGetHistoricParties
Gets informations (ID, name and description) about parties that have been deleted.
Public methodGetImplementationReport
Gets a Business Objects implementation repository report.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetLockEntriesByUser
Gets all objects locked by a user together with additional information (LockEntry).
Public methodGetNumberRangeById
Gets the number range by ID.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetNumberRangeByName
Gets the number range by name.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetNumberRanges
Gets all number ranges.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetObjAttrDefById
Retrieves an attribute definition of an object type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetObject
Retrieves an object.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetObjectByKey
Retrieves an object by its key.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetObjTypeById
Retrieves an object type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetObjTypeByName
Retrieves an object type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetObjTypes
Retrieves all object types.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetPackageById
Retrieves a UML package.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetPackageByName
Retrieves a UML package.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetPackages
Retrieves all packages.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetParties
Gets all parties.
Public methodGetPartyById
Gets a party by ID.
Public methodGetPartyByName
Gets a party by name.
Public methodGetProfileById
Gets a profile by ID.
Public methodGetProfileByName
Gets a profile by name.
Public methodGetProfiles
Gets all profiles.
Public methodGetQualificationById
Gets a qualification by ID.
Public methodGetQualificationByName
Gets a qualification by name.
Public methodGetQualifications
Gets all qualifications.
Public methodGetQualifications(IFolder)
Gets all qualification assignment entries of the folder.
Public methodGetQualifications(IObject)
Gets all qualification assignment entries of the object.
Public methodGetRelationship
Retrieves a relationship.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetRelAttrDefById
Retrieves an attribute definition of a relationship type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetRelTypeById
Retrieves a relationship type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetRelTypeByName
Retrieves a relationship type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetRelTypes
Retrieves all relationship types.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetRoleById
Gets a role by ID.
Public methodGetRoleByName
Gets a role by name.
Public methodGetRoles
Gets all roles.
Public methodGetRootFolder
Retrieves the root folder.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetRootObjType
Retrieves the common supertype of all object types.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodGetStorageType(IObjType)
Gets the storage type of the object type.
Public methodGetStorageType(IRelType)
Gets the storage type of the relationsip type.
Public methodGetTeamById
Gets a team by ID.
Public methodGetTeamByName
Gets a team by name.
Public methodGetTeams
Gets all teams.
Public methodGetUserById
Gets a user by ID.
Public methodGetUserByName
Gets a user by name.
Public methodGetUsers
Gets all users.
Public methodGetVaultById
Gets the vault by ID.
Public methodGetVaultByName
Gets the vault by name.
Public methodGetVaults
Gets all vaults.
Public methodHasAuthorization(String, String, Int32)
Detects if the user has the required authorization level for the profile.
Public methodHasAuthorization(IFolder, String, Int32)
Detects if the user has the required authorization level for the folder.
Public methodHasAuthorization(IObject, String, Int32)
Detects if the user has the required authorization level for the object.
Public methodHasAuthorization(IPackage, String, Int32)
Detects if the user has the required authorization level for the package.
Public methodHasAuthorization(IParty, String, Int32)
Detects if the user has the required authorization level for the party.
Public methodHasAuthorization(AuthorizedItemType, String, String, Int32)
Detects if the user has the required authorization level for the item.
Public methodHasQualification(IFolder, String, String)
Detects if the user has the required qualification for the folder.
Public methodHasQualification(IObject, String, String)
Detects if the user has the required qualification for the object.
Public methodHasQualification(IFolder, String, String, AuthorizationQueryOptions)
Detects if the user has the required qualification for the folder.
Public methodHasQualification(IObject, String, String, AuthorizationQueryOptions)
Detects if the user has the required qualification for the object.
Public methodIsExtended(IObjType)
Indicates whether an object type is extended (implemented using XPM database structures).
Public methodIsExtended(IRelType)
Indicates whether a relationship type is extended (implemented using XPM database structures).
Public methodIsIndexed(IAttrDef)
Indicates whether an attribute definition is indexed. Only attribute definitions of extended object types (XPM) can be indexed.
Public methodIsIndexed(IRelAttrDef)
Indicates whether an attribute definition is indexed. Only attribute definitions of extended relationship types (XPM) can be indexed.
Public methodRemoveAuthorization(String, String)
Removes existing authorization entries for the party from the profile.
Public methodRemoveAuthorization(IFolder, String)
Removes existing authorization entries for the party from the folder.
Public methodRemoveAuthorization(IObject, String)
Removes existing authorization entries for the party from the object.
Public methodRemoveAuthorization(IPackage, String)
Removes existing authorization entries for the party from the package.
Public methodRemoveAuthorization(IParty, String)
Removes existing authorization entries for the party from the party.
Public methodRemoveAuthorization(AuthorizedItemType, String, String)
Removes existing authorization entries for the party from the item.
Public methodRemoveQualification(IFolder, String, String)
Removes existing qualification entries for the party from the folder.
Public methodRemoveQualification(IObject, String, String)
Removes existing qualification entries for the party from the object.
Public methodResetBuffer
Removes all buffered schema and data instances.
Public methodSetAuthorization(String, String, Int32)
Sets the authorization level for the party to the profile.
Public methodSetAuthorization(IFolder, String, Int32)
Sets the authorization level for the party to the folder.
Public methodSetAuthorization(IObject, String, Int32)
Sets the authorization level for the party to the object.
Public methodSetAuthorization(IPackage, String, Int32)
Sets the authorization level for the party to the package.
Public methodSetAuthorization(IParty, String, Int32)
Sets the authorization level for the party to the party.
Public methodSetAuthorization(AuthorizedItemType, String, String, Int32)
Sets the authorization level for the party to the item.
Public methodSetExtended(IObjType, Boolean)
Defines whether an object type is extended (implemented using XPM database structures).
Public methodSetExtended(IRelType, Boolean)
Defines whether a relationship type is extended (implemented using XPM database structures).
Public methodSetFavoriteDescription(String, IFolder, String)
Sets the description of a folder favorite.
Public methodSetFavoriteDescription(String, IObject, String)
Sets the description of an object favorite.
Public methodSetFileContentTrackedPath
Sets the tracked path of a file content.
Public methodSetIndexed(IAttrDef, Boolean)
Defines whether an attribute definition is indexed. Only attribute definitions of extended object types (XPM) can be indexed.
Public methodSetIndexed(IRelAttrDef, Boolean)
Defines whether an attribute definition is indexed. Only attribute definitions of extended object types (XPM) can be indexed.
Public methodTryGetT
Retrieves an object with a specific business object interface.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetAttrTypeById
Retrieves an attribute type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetAttrTypeByName
Retrieves an attribute type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetByKeyT
Retrieves an object with a specific business object interface identified by its key.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetFileContentByUuid
Tries to the get file content by UUID.
Public methodTryGetFolder
Retrieves a folder.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetFolderByKey
Retrieves a folder by its key.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetGroupById
Tries to get a group by ID.
Public methodTryGetGroupByName
Tries to get a group by name.
Public methodTryGetNumberRangeById
Tries to get the number range by ID.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetNumberRangeByName
Tries to get the number range by name.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetObjAttrDefById
Retrieves an attribute definition of an object type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetObject
Retrieves an object.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetObjectByKey
Retrieves an object by its key.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetObjTypeById
Retrieves an object type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetObjTypeByName
Retrieves an object type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetPackageById
Retrieves a UML package.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetPackageByName
Retrieves a UML package.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetPartyById
Tries to get a party by ID.
Public methodTryGetPartyByName
Tries to get a party by name.
Public methodTryGetProfileById
Tries to get a profile by ID.
Public methodTryGetProfileByName
Tries to get a profile by name.
Public methodTryGetQualificationById
Tries to get a qualification by ID.
Public methodTryGetQualificationByName
Tries to get a qualification by name.
Public methodTryGetRelationship
Retrieves a relationship.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetRelAttrDefById
Retrieves an attribute definition of a relationship type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetRelTypeById
Retrieves a relationship type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetRelTypeByName
Retrieves a relationship type.
(Inherited from IRepository.)
Public methodTryGetRoleById
Tries to get a role by ID.
Public methodTryGetRoleByName
Tries to get a role by name.
Public methodTryGetTeamById
Tries to get a team by ID.
Public methodTryGetTeamByName
Tries to get a team by name.
Public methodTryGetUserById
Tries to get a user by ID.
Public methodTryGetUserByName
Tries to get a user by name.
Public methodTryGetVaultById
Tries to get the vault by ID.
Public methodTryGetVaultByName
Tries to get the vault by name.
See Also