WebTexts Properties |
The WebTexts type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Action |
Gets localized text: Action
| |
Actions |
Gets localized text: Actions
| |
Add |
Gets localized text: Add
| |
AddToFavorites |
Gets localized text: Add to favorites
| |
Administration |
Gets localized text: Administration
| |
AllOff |
Gets localized text: All off
| |
AllOn |
Gets localized text: All on
| |
Apply |
Gets localized text: Apply
| |
Back |
Gets localized text: Back
| |
Before |
Gets localized text: Before
| |
Between |
Gets localized text: Between
| |
Cancel |
Gets localized text: Cancel
| |
Clipboard |
Gets localized text: Clipboard
| |
Close |
Gets localized text: Close
| |
Copy |
Gets localized text: Copy
| |
CopyToClipboard |
Gets localized text: Copy to Clipboard
| |
Create |
Gets localized text: Create
| |
Cut |
Gets localized text: Cut
| |
Delete |
Gets localized text: Delete
| |
Download |
Gets localized text: Download
| |
Edit |
Gets localized text: Edit
| |
EditExit |
Gets localized text: Exit edit mode
| |
ErrorDetailsDisabledByConfiguration |
Gets localized text: Error details disabled by configuration.
| |
Export |
Gets localized text: Export
| |
False |
Gets localized text: False
| |
Filter |
Gets localized text: Filter
| |
General |
Gets localized text: General
| |
Home |
Gets localized text: Home
| |
Import |
Gets localized text: Import
| |
Info |
Gets localized text: Info
| |
InvalidAttributeValue |
Gets localized text: Invalid attribute value
| |
LaterThan |
Gets localized text: Later than
| |
Lock |
Gets localized text: Lock
| |
Login |
Gets localized text: Login
| |
Logout |
Gets localized text: Logout
| |
MarkAllAsRead |
Gets localized text: Mark all as read
| |
MarkAsRead |
Gets localized text: Mark as read
| |
MatchExact |
Gets localized text: = (exact match)
| |
MatchPattern |
Gets localized text: Pattern ('*' and '?' wildcards)
| |
MaximumNumberOfResults |
Gets localized text: Maximum number of results
| |
MissingAttribute |
Gets localized text: Missing attribute
| |
MissingName |
Gets localized text: Missing: Name
| |
More |
Gets localized text: (more...)
| |
Move |
Gets localized text: Move
| |
MoveDown |
Gets localized text: Move down
| |
MoveUp |
Gets localized text: Move up
| |
NoAttributes |
Gets localized text: No attributes
| |
NoItemsFound |
Gets localized text: No items found
| |
NoTableAttributesToBeDisplayed |
Gets localized text: There are no table attributes to be displayed.
| |
ObjectHasNoTableAttributes |
Gets localized text: The object has no table attributes.
| |
OK |
Gets localized text: OK
| |
Paste |
Gets localized text: Paste
| |
PasteFromClipboard |
Gets localized text: Paste from Clipboard
| |
Refresh |
Gets localized text: Refresh
| |
RememberLogin |
Gets localized text: Remember login
| |
Remove |
Gets localized text: Remove
| |
RepeatPassword |
Gets localized text: Repeat password
| |
Save |
Gets localized text: Save
| |
Search |
Gets localized text: Search
| |
Select |
Gets localized text: Select
| |
SelectAll |
Gets localized text: Select all
| |
Selection |
Gets localized text: Selection
| |
Settings |
Gets localized text: Settings
| |
SoftwareRunsInCompetitiveMode |
Gets localized text: This software runs in competitive mode. You can see only users, groups and roles you have read permissions for.
| |
Sort |
Gets localized text: Sort
| |
Submit |
Gets localized text: Submit
| |
Subscribe |
Gets localized text: Subscribe
| |
System |
Gets localized text: System
| |
True |
Gets localized text: True
| |
Type |
Gets localized text: Type
| |
Unlock |
Gets localized text: Unlock
| |
Unsubscribe |
Gets localized text: Unsubscribe
| |
Upload |
Gets localized text: Upload
| |
UserManagement |
Gets localized text: User Management
| |
View |
Gets localized text: View
| |
WrongPassword |
Gets localized text: Wrong password