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ServiceErrorCategory Enumeration

Defines the error categories to be specified in ServiceResult.

Namespace:  PDTec.IceNet.Domain.Fulltext.Service.Interface
Assembly:  PDTec.IceNet.Domain.Fulltext (in PDTec.IceNet.Domain.Fulltext.dll) Version: (7.2.7583.15464)
public enum ServiceErrorCategory
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No error has occured.
ConnectionError1 A technical error has prevented successful communication. This type of error was not caused by an exception inside the service implementation.
NotAuthenticated2 The user could not be authenticated or the authentication has expired.
NotAuthorized3 The user does not have sufficient permissions to successfully complete the service request.
Other4 Another type of error has occured. This was typically caused by an exception thrown on the service implementation side.
See Also