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DatabaseUtils Methods

The DatabaseUtils type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCheckIsActive
Checks if a user is active (IsInactive property not set). Throws exception otherwise. Typically call this in a login context.
Public methodStatic memberCheckLogin
Checks login parameters and IsInactive status of user. On success, an IUser object is returned. Throws AuthenticationException if something fails. Accepts empty password, if AutoLogin is enabled by configuration.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCreateFileContentBeforeConnectTransaction(IDatabaseRepository, String, Byte)
Creates a file content from binary content outside a database transaction. This avoids delaying the transaction commit because of possible network communication issues during uploading the binary content to the vault.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleCreateFileContentBeforeConnectTransaction(IDatabaseRepository, String, String, Int32)
Creates a file content from binary content outside a database transaction. This avoids delaying the transaction commit because of possible network communication issues during uploading the binary content to the vault.
Public methodStatic memberExistsPartyId
Public methodStatic memberExistsPartyName
Public methodStatic memberExistsProfileId
Public methodStatic memberExistsProfileName
Public methodStatic memberExistsUserId
Public methodStatic memberExistsUserName
Public methodStatic memberExistsVaultId
Public methodStatic memberExistsVaultName
Public methodStatic memberGetAllMembers
Public methodStatic memberGetAllMemberships
Public methodStatic memberGetAllUsers
Public methodStatic memberGetAuthorizationExceptionInfo
Public methodStatic memberGetAuthorizationLevels
Retrieves all configured authorization levels together with their localized display text.
Public methodStatic memberGetAuthorizationText(Int32)
Retrieves the localized text for the authorization level.
Public methodStatic memberGetAuthorizationText(Int32, CultureInfo)
Retrieves the localized text for the authorization level.
Public methodStatic memberGetAuthorizedChildFolders
Gets authorized child folders.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IProfile)
Gets the localized description of the profile.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IQualification)
Gets the localized description of the qualification.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IProfile, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized description of the profile.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IQualification, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized description of the qualification.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IProfile)
Gets the localized display name of the profile.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IQualification)
Gets the localized display name of the qualification.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IProfile, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display name of the profile.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IQualification, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display name of the qualification.
Public methodStatic memberGetExpandQuerySpecification(String)
Gets a ExpandQuerySpecification from an XML string.
Public methodStatic memberGetExpandQuerySpecification(Assembly, String)
Gets a ExpandQuerySpecification from an XML resource.
Public methodStatic memberGetFindQuerySpecification(String)
Gets a FindQuerySpecification from an XML string.
Public methodStatic memberGetFindQuerySpecification(Assembly, String)
Gets a FindQuerySpecification from an XML resource.
Public methodStatic memberGetJoinQuerySpecification(String)
Gets a JoinQuerySpecification from an XML string.
Public methodStatic memberGetJoinQuerySpecification(Assembly, String)
Gets a JoinQuerySpecification from an XML resource.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectInstancesCount
Public methodStatic memberGetProfileDescription(String, String)
Gets the localized description of the profile.
Public methodStatic memberGetProfileDescription(String, CultureInfo, String)
Gets the localized description of the profile.
Public methodStatic memberGetProfileDisplayName(String)
Gets the localized display name of the profile.
Public methodStatic memberGetProfileDisplayName(String, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display name of the profile.
Public methodStatic memberGetProfilePermissionLevels
Public methodStatic memberGetQualificationDescription(String, String)
Gets the localized description of the qualification.
Public methodStatic memberGetQualificationDescription(String, CultureInfo, String)
Gets the localized description of the qualification.
Public methodStatic memberGetQualificationDisplayName(String, String)
Gets the localized display name of the qualification.
Public methodStatic memberGetQualificationDisplayName(String, CultureInfo, String)
Gets the localized display name of the qualification.
Public methodStatic memberGetRelationshipInstancesCount
Public methodStatic memberGetUsedVaultCapacity(IFile)
Calculates the vault capacity used by a single Core.File object.
Public methodStatic memberGetUsedVaultCapacity(IDatabaseRepository, IFolder, Boolean)
Calculates the vault capacity used by the Core.File objects in the folder tree.
Public methodStatic memberGetUsersWithProfileAuthorization
Public methodStatic memberIsBuiltInPartyName
Public methodStatic memberIsGoodPartyName
Public methodStatic memberIsMemberOf
Retrieves if a party is a direct or an indirect member of a team.
Public methodStatic memberMakeMutexTransaction
Public methodStatic memberPatchAuditProperties
Public methodStatic memberPrintQueryResultTResult(TextWriter, UTT)
Public methodStatic memberPrintQueryResultTResult(ILogger, UTT)
Public methodStatic memberPrintQueryResultTResult(TextWriter, UTT, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberPrintQueryResultTResult(ILogger, UTT, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberPrintQueryResultTResult(ILogger, LogLevel, UTT, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberPrintResultSet(TextWriter, DbTable)
Public methodStatic memberPrintResultSet(TextWriter, DbTable, Int32)
See Also