SR Properties |
The SR type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AttributeGrouping_EffectiveGroupName |
Gets localized text: Effective Group
| |
AttributeGrouping_EffectiveOrderPriority |
Gets localized text: Effective Order Priority
| |
AttributeGrouping_GroupName |
Gets localized text: Group
| |
AttributeGrouping_GroupObjTypeName |
Gets localized text: Group Object Type Name
| |
AttributeGrouping_OrderPriority |
Gets localized text: Order Priority
| |
AuditTrail_ChangeReason |
Gets localized text: Change Reason
| |
Development_AllTypes |
Gets localized text: All types
| |
Development_AttributeTypeWithTheSameNameAlreadyExists |
Gets localized text: Attribute type with the same name already exists.
| |
Development_AttributeTypeWithTheSameNameAlreadyExistsAndValueTypeDoesntMatch |
Gets localized text: Attribute type with the same name already exists and value type doesn't match.
| |
Development_BaseTypes |
Gets localized text: Base types
| |
Development_ObjectTypeWithTheSameNameAlreadyExists |
Gets localized text: Object type with the same name already exists.
| |
Development_PackageWithTheSameNameAlreadyExists |
Gets localized text: Package with the same name already exists.
| |
Development_SoftwareName |
Gets localized text: Software name
| |
Development_YouDontHaveWritePermissionToSelectedPackage |
Gets localized text: You do not have write permission to the selected package.
| |
EnumValue_IceNet_Subscription_SendEmailFrequency_Day |
Gets localized text: Daily
| |
EnumValue_IceNet_Subscription_SendEmailFrequency_Immediately |
Gets localized text: Immediately
| |
EnumValue_IceNet_Subscription_SendEmailFrequency_Never |
Gets localized text: Never
| |
EnumValue_IceNet_Subscription_SendEmailFrequency_ThreeDay |
Gets localized text: Three Times a Day
| |
EnumValue_IceNet_Subscription_SendEmailFrequency_TwiceDay |
Gets localized text: Twice a Day
| |
EnumValue_IceNet_Subscription_SendEmailFrequency_Week |
Gets localized text: Weekly
| |
Fulltext_WrongQuerySyntax |
Gets localized text: Wrong Query Syntax
| |
Lifecycle_Actions |
Gets localized text: Actions
| |
Lifecycle_ActionsAndRequirements |
Gets localized text: Actions/Requirements
| |
Lifecycle_ClickToEditState |
Gets localized text: Click on a lifecycle State rectangle to edit
| |
Lifecycle_CreateLifecycle |
Gets localized text: Create lifecycle
| |
Lifecycle_CreateState |
Gets localized text: Create state
| |
Lifecycle_CreateSuccessor |
Gets localized text: Create successor
| |
Lifecycle_CreateTransition |
Gets localized text: Create transition
| |
Lifecycle_CreateTransitionExit |
Gets localized text: Exit create transition
| |
Lifecycle_CurrentState |
Gets localized text: Current state
| |
Lifecycle_DeleteConfirmation |
Gets localized text: Are you sure you want to delete this item?
| |
Lifecycle_EnterActions |
Gets localized text: Enter actions
| |
Lifecycle_Graph |
Gets localized text: Graph
| |
Lifecycle_Legend |
Gets localized text: Legend
| |
Lifecycle_Lifecycle |
Gets localized text: Lifecycle
| |
Lifecycle_LifecycleConfiguration |
Gets localized text: Lifecycle Configuration
| |
Lifecycle_LifecycleManagement |
Gets localized text: Lifecycle Management
| |
Lifecycle_LifecycleState |
Gets localized text: Lifecycle State
| |
Lifecycle_LifecycleTransition |
Gets localized text: Lifecycle Transition
| |
Lifecycle_Requirements |
Gets localized text: Requirements
| |
Lifecycle_SelectFollowingState |
Gets localized text: Select following state
| |
Lifecycle_SelectSuccessor |
Gets localized text: Click on a lifecycle state rectangle to select successor
| |
Lifecycle_StateOrder |
Gets localized text: State Order
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_Subscription_Subscriber_EmailSignature_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Email Signature
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_Subscription_Subscriber_Language_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Language
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_Subscription_Subscriber_NotifyOwnChanges_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Notify own Changes
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_Subscription_Subscriber_SendEmailFrequency_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Send Email Frequency
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_UserManagement_User_EmailAddress_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Email Address
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_UserManagement_User_FailedLogonAttempts_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Failed Logon Attempts
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_UserManagement_User_FirstName_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: First Name
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_UserManagement_User_LastLogonAttempt_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Last Logon Attempt
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_UserManagement_User_LastName_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Last Name
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_UserManagement_User_LastPasswordUpdate_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Last Password Update
| |
ObjAttrDef_IceNet_UserManagement_User_PasswordHistory_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Password History
| |
ObjType_IceNet_Subscription_Subscriber_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Subscriber
| |
ObjType_IceNet_UserManagement_Party_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Party
| |
ObjType_IceNet_UserManagement_Team_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: Team
| |
ObjType_IceNet_UserManagement_User_DisplayName |
Gets localized text: User
| |
Subscription_EmailContent |
Gets localized text: Content
| |
Subscription_EmailFrom |
Gets localized text: Sender
| |
Subscription_EmailSubject |
Gets localized text: Subject
| |
Subscription_EmailTo |
Gets localized text: Recipient
| |
Subscription_EmailToMissing |
Gets localized text: Recipient address is missing
| |
Subscription_InvalidEmailAddress |
Gets localized text: Invalid email address
| |
Subscription_Message |
Gets localized text: Message
| |
Subscription_NotSubscribed |
Gets localized text: Not subscribed
| |
Subscription_SendEmailToOwners |
Gets localized text: Send email to authorized parties
| |
Subscription_Subject |
Gets localized text: Subject
| |
Subscription_Subscribed |
Gets localized text: Subscribed
| |
UoM_ApplicationUnit |
Gets localized text: Application unit
| |
UoM_BaseUnit |
Gets localized text: Base unit
| |
UoM_Format |
Gets localized text: Format
| |
UoM_InheritedFormat |
Gets localized text: Inherited format
| |
UserManagement_AdminAccessOnly |
Gets localized text: Only administrators have access to this application.
| |
UserManagement_AllParties |
Gets localized text: All parties
| |
UserManagement_ChangePassword |
Gets localized text: Change password
| |
UserManagement_CurrentPassword |
Gets localized text: Current password
| |
UserManagement_EffectiveMembers |
Gets localized text: Effective Members
| |
UserManagement_EffectiveMemberships |
Gets localized text: Effective Memberships
| |
UserManagement_ExternalAuthenticationSelected |
Gets localized text: If the option "External authentication" is selected for a specific user, no (local) password is managed for the user account. Authentication and user login respectively is done through an integrated external authentication procedure (e.g. LDAP, single-sign-on).
| |
UserManagement_ExternalAuthenticationSelectedForYourUserAccount |
Gets localized text: For your user account the option "External authentication" has been selected. Therefore, no (local) password is managed for your user account. Your login has been done through an integrated external authentication procedure. In order to change your password for this, please contact your administrator.
| |
UserManagement_InvalidEmailAddress |
Gets localized text: Invalid email address
| |
UserManagement_NewPassword |
Gets localized text: New password
| |
UserManagement_PartyAlreadyExists |
Gets localized text: Party already exists.
| |
UserManagement_PartyNameContainsInvalidCharacters |
Gets localized text: Party name contains invalid characters. Allowed characters are: Letters A-Z, a-z, numbers, '_'.
| |
UserManagement_PartyNameIsTooLong |
Gets localized text: Party name is to long.
| |
UserManagement_PasswordRequiresNonAlphaChars |
Gets localized text: Password requires non-alpha characters.
| |
UserManagement_PasswordsDifferent |
Gets localized text: New and repeated passwords are different
| |
UserManagement_ProfileAlreadyExists |
Gets localized text: Profile already exists.
| |
UserManagement_ProfileStartsWithSystem |
Gets localized text: Cannot create a profile starting with "System.".
| |
UserManagement_RepeatPassword |
Gets localized text: Repeat password
| |
UserManagement_TooManyLogonAttempts |
Gets localized text: Too many login attempts.
| |
UserManagement_UserNameMustNotBeEmpty |
Gets localized text: User name must not be empty.