Manages logging.
PDTec.IceNet.Core (in PDTec.IceNet.Core.dll) Version: (7.2.7583.15464)
SyntaxThe ILogger type exposes the following members.
| Name | Description |
 | IsDebugEnabled |
Determines if messages of priority "debug" will be logged.
 | IsErrorEnabled |
Determines if messages of priority "error" will be logged.
 | IsFatalEnabled |
Determines if messages of priority "fatal" will be logged.
 | IsInfoEnabled |
Determines if messages of priority "info" will be logged.
 | IsWarnEnabled |
Determines if messages of priority "warn" will be logged.
| Name | Description |
 | CreateChildLogger |
Create a new child logger.
The name of the child logger is [current-loggers-name].[passed-in-name]
 | Debug(String) |
Logs a debug message.
 | Debug(String, Exception) |
Logs a debug message.
 | DebugFormat(String, Object) |
Logs a debug message.
 | DebugFormat(Exception, String, Object) |
Logs a debug message.
 | DebugFormat(IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs a debug message.
 | DebugFormat(Exception, IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs a debug message.
 | Error(String) |
Logs an error message.
 | Error(String, Exception) |
Logs an error message.
 | ErrorFormat(String, Object) |
Logs an error message.
 | ErrorFormat(Exception, String, Object) |
Logs an error message.
 | ErrorFormat(IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs an error message.
 | ErrorFormat(Exception, IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs an error message.
 | Fatal(String) |
Logs a fatal message.
 | Fatal(String, Exception) |
Logs a fatal message.
 | FatalFormat(String, Object) |
Logs a fatal message.
 | FatalFormat(Exception, String, Object) |
Logs a fatal message.
 | FatalFormat(IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs a fatal message.
 | FatalFormat(Exception, IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs a fatal message.
 | Info(String) |
Logs an info message.
 | Info(String, Exception) |
Logs an info message.
 | InfoFormat(String, Object) |
Logs an info message.
 | InfoFormat(Exception, String, Object) |
Logs an info message.
 | InfoFormat(IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs an info message.
 | InfoFormat(Exception, IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs an info message.
 | IsLoggingEnabled |
Determines if messages of the specified priority level will be logged.
 | Log(LogLevel, String) |
Logs a message.
 | Log(LogLevel, String, Exception) |
Logs a message.
 | LogFormat(LogLevel, String, Object) |
Logs a message.
 | LogFormat(LogLevel, Exception, String, Object) |
Logs a message.
 | LogFormat(LogLevel, IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs a message.
 | LogFormat(LogLevel, Exception, IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs a message.
 | Warn(String) |
Logs a warn message.
 | Warn(String, Exception) |
Logs a warn message.
 | WarnFormat(String, Object) |
Logs a warn message.
 | WarnFormat(Exception, String, Object) |
Logs a warn message.
 | WarnFormat(IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs a warn message.
 | WarnFormat(Exception, IFormatProvider, String, Object) |
Logs a warn message.
This is a facade for the different logging subsystems.
It offers a simplified interface that follows IOC patterns
and a simplified priority/level/severity abstraction.
See Also