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RelationshipStorageType Enumeration

Determines if a relationship of the corresponding type is managed by SQLBridge and how it is retrieved/stored from/to the database.

Namespace:  PDTec.IceNet.Core.Database.SqlBridge
Assembly:  PDTec.IceNet.Core (in PDTec.IceNet.Core.dll) Version: (7.2.7583.15464)
public enum RelationshipStorageType
  Member nameValueDescription
Native0 The relationship is completely managed by ice.NET and connects native ice.NET objects. No need to specify SQLBridge settings for the corresponding relationship type.
OutImplicit1 The relationship connects ice.NET objects (From direction) to objects managed by SQLBridge (To direction). The relationship is not stored within the ice.NET repository but is established by evaluating a configured rule (e.g. an attribute value of the ice.NET object corresponds to a column of the SQLBridge object view).
InImplicit2 The relationship connects objects managed by SQLBridge (From direction) to ice.NET objects (To direction). The relationship is not stored within the ice.NET repository but is established by evaluating a configured rule (e.g. an attribute value of the ice.NET object corresponds to a column of the SQLBridge object view).
External3 The relationship connects two objects managed by SQLBridge.
See Also