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BatchJobFilterInfo Properties

The BatchJobFilterInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCompletedOn
The [CompletedOn] filter value. If [CompletedOnFilterType] is set to [Between] this represents the lower value.
Public propertyCompletedOnFilterType
The constraint type. Defines how filter parameters and actual values will be compared.
Public propertyCompletedOnUpper
If [CompletedOnFilterType] is set to [Between] this represents the upper value.
Public propertyCompletionStatus
The [CompletionStatus] filter value.
Public propertyDependenciesOf
List job dependencies (jobs that the job with this ID depends on).
Public propertyDependingOn
List jobs that depend on the job with this ID.
Public propertyFilterCompletedOn
Filter by [CompletedOn].
Public propertyFilterCompletionStatus
Filter by [CompletionStatus].
Public propertyFilterDependenciesOf
Filter by job dependencies (jobs that a specific job depends on).
Public propertyFilterDependingOn
Filter by depending on (jobs that depend on a specific job).
Public propertyFilterLane
Filter by lane number.
Public propertyFilterPriority
Filter by [Priority].
Public propertyFilterProcessedBy
Filter by [ProcessedBy].
Public propertyFilterProcessingExpired
Filter by processing expiration: List jobs that are [Processing] and their [ProcessingDuration] is exceeded.
Public propertyFilterQueue
Filter by queue name.
Public propertyFilterScheduledOn
Filter by [ScheduledOn].
Public propertyFilterStatus
Filter by [Status].
Public propertyFilterSubmittedBy
Filter by [SubmittedBy].
Public propertyFilterSubmittedOn
Filter by [SubmittedOn].
Public propertyLane
The lane number filter value.
Public propertyPriority
The [Priority] filter value. If [PriorityFilterType] is set to [Between] this represents the lower value.
Public propertyPriorityFilterType
The constraint type. Defines how filter parameters and actual values will be compared.
Public propertyPriorityUpper
If [PriorityFilterType] is set to [Between] this represents the upper value.
Public propertyProcessedBy
The [ProcessedBy] filter value.
Public propertyProperties
The filter criteria related to properties.
Public propertyQueueName
The queue name filter value.
Public propertyScheduledOn
The [ScheduledOn] filter value. If [ScheduledOnFilterType] is set to [Between] this represents the lower value.
Public propertyScheduledOnFilterType
The constraint type. Defines how filter parameters and actual values will be compared.
Public propertyScheduledOnUpper
If [ScheduledOnFilterType] is set to [Between] this represents the upper value.
Public propertyStatus
The [Status] filter value.
Public propertySubmittedBy
The [SubmittedBy] filter value.
Public propertySubmittedOn
The [SubmittedOn] filter value. If [SubmittedOnFilterType] is set to [Between] this represents the lower value.
Public propertySubmittedOnFilterType
The constraint type. Defines how filter parameters and actual values will be compared.
Public propertySubmittedOnUpper
If [SubmittedOnFilterType] is set to [Between] this represents the upper value.
See Also