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WebUtils Methods

The WebUtils type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetContentDispositionHeaderValue(Boolean, String) Obsolete.
Returns a Content-Disposition HTTP header value for a specific file name.
Public methodStatic memberGetContentDispositionHeaderValue(String, String) Obsolete.
Returns a Content-Disposition HTTP header value for a specific file name.
Public methodStatic memberGetMimeType
Returns the MIME mapping for the specified file name.
Public methodStatic memberGetSafeMimeTypeValue Obsolete.
Returns a sanitized Media Type string that is ready to be used as a Response.ContentType value. This is to avoid XSS attacks with user-provided Media Type strings.
Public methodStatic memberSetThreadCultureToInvariant
Set the web worker thread culture to the invariant culture.
Public methodStatic memberTrySetThreadCultureByRequestedUserLanguage
Attempts to set the web worker thread culture to match the language requested by the Accept-Language HTTP header. If no specific language is requested or setting the requested language fails, the thread culture is set to the invariant culture.
See Also