| Name | Description |
| AddAuthToFolderRec | |
| AddQualificationToFolderRec | |
| AttrDefChangeAttrType | |
| AttrDefGetInfo | |
| AttrTypeAddEnumValue | |
| AttrTypeCreate | |
| AttrTypeDestroy | |
| AttrTypeGetEnumValues | |
| AttrTypeGetInfo | |
| AttrTypeGetInfoByName | |
| AttrTypeGetList | |
| AttrTypeGetWhereUsedList | |
| AttrTypeMoveTo | |
| AttrTypeRemoveEnumValue | |
| AttrTypeSetEnumValueIndices | |
| AttrTypeUpdate | |
| AuthAdd | |
| AuthApplyToSubstructure | |
| AuthGetLevels | |
| AuthGetList | |
| AuthRemove | |
| CheckAuthorization(String, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| CheckAuthorization(IFolder, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| CheckAuthorization(IObject, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| CheckAuthorization(IPackage, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| CheckAuthorization(IParty, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| CheckAuthorization(AuthorizedItemType, String, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| CheckQualification(IFolder, String) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| CheckQualification(IObject, String) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| CreateObjTypeArray | |
| CreateRelTypeArray | |
| DevelopmentDocumentationGenerate | |
| DevelopmentDocumentationGenerate_DoWork | |
| DevelopmentDocumentationGenerateGetResult | |
| DevelopmentDocumentationGenerateStart | |
| DevelopmentDocumentationGenerateXml | |
| DevelopmentMarkupTextGet | |
| DevelopmentMarkupTextSave | |
| DevelopmentPackageGetCharts | |
| DocumentationGetList | |
| Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
| FileContentDestroy | |
| FileContentGetInfoByUuid | |
| FileContentGetListByHash | |
| FileContentGetUsagesByUuid | |
| FileContentReadContentByUuid | |
| FileContentUpdateByUuid | |
| FileDestroyContentVersion | |
| FileGetContentVersions | |
| FileGetIceVaultUrlRead | |
| FileReadContent | |
| FileReadContentPart | |
| FileWriteContentPartComplete | |
| FileWriteContentPartContinue | |
| FileWriteContentPartStart | |
| FileWriteVersion | |
| Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
| FolderCreate | |
| FolderCreateKey | |
| FolderDeleteKey | |
| FolderDestroy | |
| FolderDestroyRec | |
| FolderExportDataXml | |
| FolderGetDetails | |
| FolderGetInfo | |
| FolderGetInfoByKey | |
| FolderGetKeyList | |
| FolderGetListByKeyPattern | |
| FolderGetObjects | |
| FolderGetSomeObjects | |
| FolderImportDataXml | |
| FolderImportDataXmlContentPartContinue | |
| FolderImportDataXmlContentPartFinish | |
| FolderImportDataXmlContentPartStart | |
| FolderMoveTo | |
| FolderUpdate | |
| GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) |
| GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
| GuiServiceGetRelationships | |
| GuiServiceSyncData | |
| GuiServiceSyncModel | |
| GuiServiceSyncObjectsAndRelationships | |
| HasAuthorization(String, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| HasAuthorization(IFolder, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| HasAuthorization(IObject, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| HasAuthorization(IPackage, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| HasAuthorization(IParty, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| HasAuthorization(AuthorizedItemType, String, Int32) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| HasQualification(IFolder, String) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| HasQualification(IObject, String) | (Inherited from IceNetService.) |
| LogMethodCall | |
| LogMethodCall(Object) | |
| LogMethodCall(Int32, Object) | |
| MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
| MoveRecursive | |
| NumberRangeCreate | |
| NumberRangeDelete | |
| NumberRangeGetInfo | |
| NumberRangeGetList | |
| NumberRangeGetNextValueBlock | |
| NumberRangeGetNextValuePreviews | |
| NumberRangeReset | |
| NumberRangeUpdate | |
| ObjAttrDefGetIndexed | |
| ObjAttrDefSetIndexed | |
| ObjectChangeObjType | |
| ObjectCreate | |
| ObjectCreateKey | |
| ObjectDeleteKey | |
| ObjectDestroy | |
| ObjectExportDataXml | |
| ObjectGetDetails | |
| ObjectGetInfo | |
| ObjectGetInfoByKey | |
| ObjectGetKeyList | |
| ObjectGetLock | |
| ObjectGetRelationships | |
| ObjectGetTableAttrValues | |
| ObjectLock | |
| ObjectMoveTo | |
| ObjectOrderRelationships | |
| ObjectSetAttrValues | |
| ObjectSetTableAttrValues | |
| ObjectUnLock | |
| ObjectUpdate | |
| ObjTypeAddSupertype | |
| ObjTypeCreate | |
| ObjTypeCreateAttrDef | |
| ObjTypeDestroy | |
| ObjTypeGetConnectableObjTypes | |
| ObjTypeGetDetails | |
| ObjTypeGetExtended | |
| ObjTypeGetInfo | |
| ObjTypeGetInfoByName | |
| ObjTypeGetRoles | |
| ObjTypeMoveAttrDef | |
| ObjTypeMoveTo | |
| ObjTypeRemoveAttrDef | |
| ObjTypeRemoveSupertype | |
| ObjTypeSetAttrDefIndices | |
| ObjTypeSetExtended | |
| ObjTypeUpdate | |
| ObjTypeUpdateAttrDef | |
| PackageAddDependency | |
| PackageCreate | |
| PackageDestroy | |
| PackageExportXml | |
| PackageGetAttrTypes | |
| PackageGetDependencies | |
| PackageGetDependentPackages | |
| PackageGetInfo | |
| PackageGetInfoByName | |
| PackageGetList | |
| PackageGetObjTypes | |
| PackageGetRelTypes | |
| PackageImportXml | |
| PackageIsDependentOnPackage | |
| PackagePreviewUpdateStep | |
| PackagePreviewXml | |
| PackageRemoveDependency | |
| PackageUpdate | |
| PartyChangePwd | |
| PartyCreate | |
| PartyDelete | |
| PartyGetInfo | |
| PartyGetInfoByName | |
| PartyGetList | |
| PartyInclude | |
| PartyRemove | |
| PartyUpdate | |
| Ping | |
| ProfileCreate | |
| ProfileDestroy | |
| ProfileGetList | |
| ProfileUpdate | |
| QualificationCreate | |
| QualificationDestroy | |
| QualificationGetAssignments | |
| QualificationGetList | |
| QualificationRemoveAssignment | |
| QualificationSetAssignment | |
| QualificationUpdate | |
| RelationshipCreate | |
| RelationshipDestroy | |
| RelationshipGetAttrValues | |
| RelationshipGetInfo | |
| RelationshipSetAttrValues | |
| RelationshipUpdate | |
| RelAttrDefChangeAttrType | |
| RelAttrDefGetIndexed | |
| RelAttrDefGetInfo | |
| RelAttrDefSetIndexed | |
| RelTypeAddObjType | |
| RelTypeCreate | |
| RelTypeCreateAttrDef | |
| RelTypeDestroy | |
| RelTypeGetAttrDefs | |
| RelTypeGetCompatibleList | |
| RelTypeGetExtended | |
| RelTypeGetInfo | |
| RelTypeGetInfoByName | |
| RelTypeGetList | |
| RelTypeMoveTo | |
| RelTypeRemoveAttrDef | |
| RelTypeRemoveObjType | |
| RelTypeSetAttrDefIndices | |
| RelTypeSetExtended | |
| RelTypeUpdate | |
| RelTypeUpdateAttrDef | |
| RemoveAuthFolderRec | |
| RemoveQualificationFolderRec | |
| ReportCreate | |
| RepositoryGetStatus | |
| RepositorySetMode | |
| SearchConvertConstraintType | |
| SearchObjects | |
| ServiceCopy | |
| ServiceImportDevelopmentModel | |
| ServiceKeepAlive | |
| ServiceMove | |
| SqlBridgeGenerateViews | |
| ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
| VaultCreate | |
| VaultDelete | |
| VaultGetFileContentInventory | |
| VaultGetFileContentInventory2 | |
| VaultGetFileContents | |
| VaultGetInfo | |
| VaultGetList | |
| VaultGetParameters | |
| VaultGetProtocolInfoByName | |
| VaultSetParameters | |
| VaultUpdate | |