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ModelUtils Class

Model-related utility methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  PDTec.IceNet.Sdk.Utils
Assembly:  PDTec.IceNet.Sdk (in PDTec.IceNet.Sdk.dll) Version: (7.2.7583.15464)
public static class ModelUtils

The ModelUtils type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberMaxDescriptionLength
Gets the maximum length of description texts.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxStringAttributeLength
Gets the maximum length of normal (non-bulk) string attribute values.
Public methodStatic memberCopy(IRepository, IFolder, IFolder, ModelUtilsCopyOptions, String)
Copies a folder to a target folder.
Public methodStatic memberCopy(IRepository, IFolder, IFolder, ModelUtilsCopyOptions, String, ListAuthorizationEntry, ListAuthorizationEntry)
Copies a folder to a target folder.
Public methodStatic memberCopy(IRepository, ListIFolder, IFolder, ModelUtilsCopyOptions, String, ListAuthorizationEntry, ListAuthorizationEntry)
Copies folders to a target folder.
Public methodStatic memberCopy(IRepository, ListIFolder, ListIObject, IFolder, ModelUtilsCopyOptions, String, ListAuthorizationEntry, ListAuthorizationEntry)
Copies folders and objects to a target folder.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteAllObjectsOfType
Deletes all objects of a specific type.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteFolderRecursively
Recursively deletes a folder together with its subfolders and objects.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteObjectsOfPackage
Deletes all objects of a specific package within a specific folder.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteObjectsOfType
Deletes all objects of a specific type within a specific folder.
Public methodStatic memberExistsAttrTypeName
Detects if a specific attribute type exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsFolderId
Detects if a specific folder exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsFolderKey
Detects if a specific folder key exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsObjAttrDefName(IObjType, String)
Detects if a specific attribute definition exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsObjAttrDefName(IRepository, String, String)
Detects if a specific attribute definition exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsObjectId
Detects if a specific object exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsObjectKey
Detects if a specific object key exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsObjTypeName
Detects if a specific object type exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsPackageName
Detects if a specific package exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsRelationshipId
Detects if a specific relationship exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsRelAttrDefName(IRelType, String)
Detects if a specific relationship attribute definition exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsRelAttrDefName(IRepository, String, String)
Detects if a specific relationship attribute definition exists.
Public methodStatic memberExistsRelTypeName
Detects if a specific relationship type exists.
Public methodStatic memberGetActualDependencies
Calculates the actual dependencies of pPackage
Public methodStatic memberGetAdditionalModelText
Experimental: retrieve additional text from model resource.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllDependencies
Calculates the dependencies of pPackage recursively (in no particular order)
Public methodStatic memberGetAllObjTypesOf(IObjType, Boolean)
Gets all subtypes of the object type recursively, together with the object type itself.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllObjTypesOf(IObjType, Boolean, ComparisonIObjType)
Gets all subtypes of the object type recursively, together with the object type itself, sorted by a specific rule.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllObjTypesOf(IObjType, Boolean, Int32)
Gets all subtypes of the object type recursively, together with the object type itself.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllSubtypes(IObjType)
Gets all subtypes of the object type recursively.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllSubtypes(IObjType, Boolean)
Gets all subtypes of the object type recursively.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllSubtypes(IObjType, Boolean, ComparisonIObjType)
Gets all subtypes of the object type recursively, sorted by a specific rule.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllSupertypes
Gets all supertypes of the object type recursively.
Public methodStatic memberGetAttrDefs
Retrieves all attribute definitions of given name for this object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetConnectionObjects(IRepository, IObject, IObject, IRelType, RelDirection, IRelType, RelDirection)
Retrieves objects that serve as "connectors" between known object instances.
            [object_0] --rel_0-- [connection_object] --rel_1-- [object_1]
Public methodStatic memberGetConnectionObjectsT(IRepository, IObject, IObject, IRelType, RelDirection, IRelType, RelDirection, IObjType)
Retrieves business objects that serve as "connectors" between known object instances.
            [object_0] --rel_0-- [connection_object] --rel_1-- [object_1]
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultValue
Gets the default value for a specific attribute value type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IAttrDef)
Gets the localized description of the attribute definition.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IAttrType)
Gets the localized description of the attribute type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IObjType)
Gets the localized description of the object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IPackage)
Gets the localized description of the package.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IRelAttrDef)
Gets the localized description of the relationship attribute definition.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IRelType)
Gets the localized description of the relationship type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IAttrDef, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized description of the attribute definition.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IAttrType, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized description of the attribute type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IObjType, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized description of the object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IPackage, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized description of the package.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IRelAttrDef, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized description of the relationship attribute definition.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription(IRelType, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized description of the relationship type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IAttrDef)
Gets the localized display name of the attribute definition.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IAttrType)
Gets the localized display name of the attribute type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IObjType)
Gets the localized display name of the object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IPackage)
Gets the localized display name of the package.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IRelAttrDef)
Gets the localized display name of the relationship attribute definition.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IRelType)
Gets the localized display name of the relationship type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IAttrDef, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display name of the attribute definition.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IAttrType, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display name of the attribute type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IObjType, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display name of the object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IPackage, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display name of the package.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IRelAttrDef, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display name of the relationship attribute definition.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplayName(IRelType, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display name of the relationship type.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnumDisplayValue(String, String)
Gets the localized display text of the enumeration value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnumDisplayValue(IAttrType, String)
Gets the localized display text of the enumeration value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnumDisplayValue(String, String, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display text of the enumeration value.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnumDisplayValue(IAttrType, String, CultureInfo)
Gets the localized display text of the enumeration value.
Public methodStatic memberGetFoldersWithKeyPattern
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectsOfType
Gets all objects of a specific type, filtered and restricted by certain criteria.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectsWithAttributeValue
Gets all objects of a specific type, filtered and restricted by certain criteria.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectsWithAttributeValues(IRepository, IObjType, Boolean, FindRange, IFolder, IListPairIAttrDef, Object, Int32)
Gets all objects of a specific type, filtered and restricted by certain criteria.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectsWithAttributeValues(IRepository, IObjType, Boolean, FindRange, IFolder, String, IListPairIAttrDef, Object, Int32)
Gets all objects of a specific type, filtered and restricted by certain criteria.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectsWithKeyPattern
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectsWithName
Gets all objects of a specific type, filtered and restricted by certain criteria.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjTypeDescription(String, String)
Gets the localized description of the object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjTypeDescription(String, CultureInfo, String)
Gets the localized description of the object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjTypeDisplayName(String, String)
Gets the localized display name of the object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjTypeDisplayName(String, CultureInfo, String)
Gets the localized display name of the object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetRelationshipsBetweenObjects
Gets all relationships of a specific type between two objects.
Public methodStatic memberGetRelTypeDescription(String, String)
Gets the localized description of the relationship type.
Public methodStatic memberGetRelTypeDescription(String, CultureInfo, String)
Gets the localized description of the relationship type.
Public methodStatic memberGetRelTypeDisplayName(String, String)
Gets the localized display name of the relationship type.
Public methodStatic memberGetRelTypeDisplayName(String, CultureInfo, String)
Gets the localized display name of the relationship type.
Public methodStatic memberImplementsTBusinessObject
Detects if an object implements a specific business objects interface.
Public methodStatic memberIsAttrValueEqual
Checks if attribute values are equal.
Public methodStatic memberIsObjTypeCompatibleWith
Checks whether given type is compatible with potentialSupertype. Types are compatible when all instances of type checkedType are also instances of potentialSupertype (i.e. checkedType is the same as potentialSupertype or is its direct or indirect subtype).
Public methodStatic memberTryGetObjAttrDefByName
Tries the get an object attribute definition from the repository. The usual try-get pattern applies.
Public methodStatic memberTryGetRelAttrDefByName
Tries the get a relationship attribute definition from the repository. The usual try-get pattern applies.
Public methodStatic memberVisitFolders
Visit a sequence or hierarchy of folders.
See Also