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ICustomObjectEventImplArgs Interface

Use interfaces deriving from this interface to implement custom BO events.

Namespace:  PDTec.IceNet.Core.Model.Implementation
Assembly:  PDTec.IceNet.Core (in PDTec.IceNet.Core.dll) Version: (7.2.7583.15464)
public interface ICustomObjectEventImpl<Args> : IObjectEventImpl, 

Type Parameters

The custom event data type.

The ICustomObjectEventImplArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChangedBy
Gets the name of the user who changed the object last.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyChangedOn
Gets the point of time the object was changed last.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyCreatedBy
Gets the name of the user who created the object.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyCreatedOn
Gets the point of time the object was created.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the object description. The description can be empty.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyFolder
Gets the containing folder.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyId
Gets the object ID. The ID is generated by the platform and cannot be modified.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyIsLocked
Indicates if the object is locked.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyIsValid
Indicates if the object instance is valid. The object becomes invalid if the Destroy method has been called.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyLockedBy
Gets the name of the user who holds a lock on the object, empty string if the object is not locked.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyLockedOn
Gets the lock timestamp, if object is locked. DateTime.MinValue if not.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the object name. The name cannot be an empty string. It is modifiable and does not have to be unique.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public propertyObjType
Gets the object type.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodAddKey
Adds a new key to the object. The key must be unique within the system context (e.g. unique per database).
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodAsT Obsolete.
Casts to a Business Object interface.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodCastT
Casts to a Business Object interface. Throws an exception if the Business Object interface is not available for this object.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodChangeObjType
Change the object type.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodCopyTo
Copies the object. Attributes of the object are copied, relationships not.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodDeleteKey
Removes a key from the object.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodDestroy
Deletes the object (and its relationships).
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodExecute
This method is called when the custom BO event is triggered.
Public methodGetAttrValue(IAttrDef)
Retrieves the specified attribute value.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetAttrValue(String, String)
Retrieves the specified attribute value.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetAttrValue(IAttrDef, Boolean) Obsolete.
Retrieves the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetAttrValue(String, String, Boolean) Obsolete.
Retrieves the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetAttrValues
Get all attribute values of the object.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetFolder
Retrieves the object's folder.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetKeys
Retrieves the object's (unique) keys.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetLockInfo
Retrieves information about the object's lock status.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetObjType
Retrieve the object type.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetRelationships(RelDirection)
Retrieves all attached relationships of a specific direction (regardless of their relationship type).
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetRelationships(String, RelDirection)
Retrieves all attached relationships of a specific role (relationship type/direction combination).
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetRelationships(IRelType, RelDirection)
Retrieves all attached relationships of a specific relationship type in a specific direction.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetSingleRelationship(String, RelDirection)
Retrieves a single relationship (omit the array overhead).
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetSingleRelationship(IRelType, RelDirection)
Retrieves a single relationship (omit the array overhead).
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetTableAttrTemplateRow
Gets a table attribute template row.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodGetTableAttrValues
Gets the table attribute values.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodIsOf(String)
Indicates if the object conforms to a specific object type directly or indirectly (is a subtype of).
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodIsOf(IObjType)
Indicates if the object conforms to a specific object type directly or indirectly (is a subtype of).
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodLock
Lock the object.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodMoveTo
Moves the object to another folder.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodQueryInterface
Cast to a Business Object interface.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodReload
Refreshes the object data from secondary storage (e.g. database) if available. Use this method to retrieve up-to-date audit information (ChangedBy, ChangedOn properties).
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodSetAttrValue(IAttrDef, Object)
Stores the specified attribute value.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodSetAttrValue(String, String, Object)
Stores the specified attribute value.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodSetAttrValues
Set multiple attribute values with a single method call.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodSetRelationshipIndex
Re-position a relationship within the object/reltype/direction order.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodSetRelationshipIndices
Re-order all relationships of a object/reltype/direction context.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodSetTableAttrValues
Sets the table attribute values.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTouch
Updates the ChangedBy and ChangedOn information.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryCastT
Casts to a Business Object interface.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(IAttrDef, Boolean)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(IAttrDef, DateTime)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(IAttrDef, Double)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(IAttrDef, Int64)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(IAttrDef, Object)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(IAttrDef, String)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(String, String, Boolean)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(String, String, DateTime)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(String, String, Double)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(String, String, Int64)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(String, String, Object)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetAttrValue(String, String, String)
Attempts to get the specified attribute value and indicates if the value is assigned.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetSingleRelationship(String, RelDirection, IRelationship)
Tries to retrieves a single relationship.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodTryGetSingleRelationship(IRelType, RelDirection, IRelationship)
Tries to retrieves a single relationship.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Public methodUnLock
Unlock the object.
(Inherited from IObject.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetFolderId
Gets the folder ID without unneccessarily retrieving the full folder information.
(Defined by ModelExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetRepository
Gets the corresponding repository for an object.
(Defined by ModelExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsConnected(String, RelDirection)Overloaded.
Detects whether an object is connected by at least one relationship of a specific type.
(Defined by ModelExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsConnected(IRelType, RelDirection)Overloaded.
Detects whether an object is connected by at least one relationship of a specific type.
(Defined by ModelExtensions.)

This example explains how to define and trigger custom business objects events. We implement a FileCheckin event triggered by the IFile BO that signals the successful checkin of binary content and provides the possibility to execute additional functionality after the checkin.

The following code shows how to define a custom event interface. We use FileCheckinEventArgs as its EventArgs type:

/// <summary>
/// Interface to implement a FileCheckin event triggered by the IFile business object.
/// This event is triggered after succesfull Write, Connect and Append actions.
/// The execution sequence order is <c>SupertypesFirst</c>.
/// </summary>
public interface IFileCheckinEventImpl : ICustomObjectEventImpl<FileCheckinEventArgs>

The following code shows how to trigger the event inside the implementation of the BO method implementation of the interface IFile:

public ContentVersion WriteContent(
    bool        newVersion, 
    string        description,
    string        vaultName,
    string        filename,
    byte[]        aContent)
    ContentVersion sContentVersion;

    // Store binary content in vault and create ContentVersion instance...

    // <BO Implementation>

    // Update object data (externsion, timestamps)...

    SetAttrValue("Core.File", "Extension", Path.GetExtension(filename));


    // Trigger the FileCheckin event...

    TriggerEvent<IFileCheckinEventImpl, FileCheckinEventArgs>(new FileCheckinEventArgs(FileCheckinAction.Write, sContentVersion), ObjectEventOrder.SupertypesFirst);

    // Done...

    return sContentVersion;

This example explains how to implement custom business objects events. We use the FileCheckin event triggered by the IFile BO to write the size and filename of the currently checked-in file into the description of the object after successful checkin of binary content.

The following code shows how to implement the custom event interface IFileCheckinEventImpl:

public class CFileCheckinEventImpl : CObjectImplBase, IFileCheckinEventImpl
    public CFileCheckinEventImpl(IRepository pRepository, IObjectImpl pObject) : 
        base(pRepository, pObject)

    public void  Execute(FileCheckinEventArgs eventData)
        Description = string.Format(
            "Current file: {0}, {1} bytes",

The following code shows how to register the event implementation with a specific object type "PDTec.ICR.BookingReceipt". The event is only executed on objects of type "PDTec.ICR.BookingReceipt" or subtypes. The behavior of any other File objects remain unchanged.

[ObjectImpl(ObjTypeName="PDTec.ICR.BookingReceipt", Interface=typeof(IFileCheckinEventImpl))]
public class CFileCheckinEventImplFactory : IObjectImplFactory
    public IObject CreateObject(IRepository pRepository, IObjectImpl pBaseImpl)
        return new CFileCheckinEventImpl(pRepository, pBaseImpl);
See Also