ice.NET Platform - Product Information
The ice.NET Platform is a powerful and versatile basis for developing and running
information systems that...
- require dynamic, adaptable or extensible information models,
- combine information from multiple sources,
- interface with a variety of other systems,
- serve as a collaboration environment for teams of one or many organizations.
ice.NET enables...
- rapid prototyping and instant feedback on semantic modeling during design and development,
- a comprehensive set of development tools and software building blocks in order to increase development productivity,
- easy deployment, impressive performance and high scalabilty during production.
ice.NET Application Areas
The ice.NET Platform is successfully used in a wide range of applications. First of all, ice.NET
serves as an efficient implementation basis for various kinds of PLM-related special-purpose
application systems.
As a powerful toolkit for Integration and Collaboration, ice.NET is the foundation of many
projects dealing with information model and data integration.
Aditionally, ice.NET plays an important role in Research & Development projects.