ice.NET Release Notes

Release 7.0
* MS.NET Framework 4.7.1
* Number Ranges
* Service Builder: REST-RMI Server + Client
* Service Builder: Python Scripting Client
* BatchHub: Lanes Support
* Application Extensibility Events
* Improved Cryptography Support (RSA, HMAC, X.509)
* Fast Audit Trail
Release 6.2
* MS.NET Framework 4.6.2
* Media Vault: video streaming service for ice.NET vaults
* Modular Database Model + Support for Oracle Managed Driver
* BatchHub: bulk data support, monitoring/analysis enhancements
* Favorite descriptions
* Queries: Auto-authorized execution with administrative rights
Release 6.0
* CryptoVault (standalone & in combination with distributed vault locations)
* BatchHub: distributed batch processing, significant functional upgrade
* XPM (Extended Physical Model), MSSQL full support
* ice.NET Data Warehouse
* ice.NET Studio SmartClient: automatic generation of UML model charts
* OEM License Portal
Release 5.2
* Qualifications
* Bulk attributes for relationships
* Large-scale fulltext indexing
* Service Builder: Custom templating (e.g. for Java Clients)
* ice.NET Studio SmartClient: Windows 8 compatibilty, L&F 
* HTML Layout Controls
* Password aging, account expiration
* Vault Service option for Java/Linux Servers

Release 5.0

* MS.NET Framework 4.0

* Cloud (MS Azure) compatibility

* Distributed vault locations with automatic content replication

* Custom Business Objects events

* FileContent management: SHA-1 hash (checksum)

* Queries: access to file properties (filename, filesize, hash, ...)

* Central Design/Runtime mode switch in database

* BatchHub: distributed batch processing

Release 4.6

* Central Vault Configuration

* Configuration Management Framework

* Support for single-sign-on scenarios (Windows, LDAP)

* Query: Keys as constraints and fields

* Query: Aggregation and grouping (sum, min, max, avg, ...)

Release 4.4

* Unit Testing: Base class for ice.NET database unit tests (testing framework independent)

* Query: Unified symbol namespace (access to subquery symbols)

* Installer for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008

* Installation API (PDTec IceNet.Tools.Installation.dll)

Release 4.2

* Business Objects development: Events

* iceFoX: PDF generation without Visual J# dependency

* Security Audit Log + API

Release 4.0

* Service Builder

* User Management: Object-oriented API

* Permission Management: Object-oriented API

* Database Repository API: Clean separation between RDB plugin (IDatabase) and Business Logic API (IDatabaseRepository)

* Model Localization

* ice.NET Studio: DB connection mode

* Web UI: Query Table Component for ASP.NET

Release 3.*

* BO Builder

* Microsoft.NET 2.0 Framework

* Web UI Components for ASP.NET

* Database Queries API

Release 2.*

* Business Objects Framework

* XML Model/Data Interface