ice.NET Installation

License Service

First, install the License Service on the computer that executes the ice.NET application. Normally this is the web application server or the developer machine.

Login on the Windows system as a user with Adminstrative privileges. Start the LicenseServiceSetup.msi installer that is contained in the installation package.

Simply click through the installer wizard (accept standard settings).


Get License File

In order to get a license file that is neccessary to run the ice.NET application start the LicenseManager.exe program that is contained in the installation package.

Wait 10 seconds so that the license service can retrieve the neccessary hardware identification of the machine.

Switch to the Generate Server ID tab, then click button no. 1. The hardware identification appears in the textbox.


Click button no. 2 to copy the hardware identification text to the Windows clipboard.

Send the ID per email to your software provider (use the "Paste" function to insert the server ID into the email body). Please mention in this mail the number of users that should work with the application. You will receive an email with an appropriate license.xml file from your software provider. Copy this license.xml file into the base directory of your installation.