ice.NET Business Objects Builder
The ice.NET Business Objects Builder is a command line tool that creates Business Object interfaces,
base implementations and query specifications out of ice.NET models.
The ice.NET models must be available as XML documents. In addition to the model files icebob.exe needs
a business objects control file (recommended file name: bo.xml). Detailed information about the
business objects concept can be found at the page .
The XML schema for the business objects control file and an example for it, is available at
the page .
Using icebob.exe
To start icebob.exe use the following command:
icebob.exe [path to BO control file]
Make sure that the Business Objects files generated by previous icebob.exe calls can be overwritten
(remove the readonly file attribute that is sometimes set by SCC systems). Otherwise icebob.exe
fails with an error message.
You can use a batch file for an easier call of the icebob.exe. Save the batch file (like the example below)
into the same folder as the bo.xml or adjust the path in the batch file.
@echo off
attrib -r BusinessObjects\*.cs
attrib -r BusinessObjects\Implementation\*.cs
D:\PDTec\ice\current\ice_p008_Release\Tools\BoBuilder\icebob.exe bo.xml -v