ice.NET QueryTableSpec reference
The UI control IceNet.Web.UI.Controls.QueryTable needs a control file to display the results of a query.
These control file is very simular to the query definition in the businnes object control file for
the business object builder. Additional to this, it contains information how to display the results.
An example of the UI control IceNet.Web.UI.Controls.QueryTable and examples for all the other UI controls in ice.NET
you can find in the ice.NET DemoBrowser.
<Query Name="FindMyShips" Type="Find" ObjTypeName="GL.TIS.Base.Ship"
IsExactType="false" Range="FolderTree" CheckAuthorization="true">
<Field Name="Id" ItemType="Object" FieldType="Id" />
<Field Name="Name" ItemType="Object" FieldType="Name" />
<Field Name="Description" ItemType="Object" FieldType="Description" />
<Field Name="ChangedOn" ItemType="Object" FieldType="ChangedOn" />
<Field Name="ChangedBy" ItemType="Object" FieldType="ChangedBy" />
<Field Name="TypeDisplayName" ItemType="Object" FieldType="TypeDisplayName" />
<Column Caption="Label.Name">
<Text Format="{0}" FieldName="Name" />
<Url Format="~/prj_project_details.aspx?pid={0}" FieldName="Id" />
<Sort FieldName="Name" />
<Column Caption="Label.Type">
<Text Format="{0}" FieldName="TypeDisplayName" />
<Sort FieldName="TypeDisplayName" />
<Column Caption="Label.ChangedOn">
<Text Format="{0} [{1}]">
<Param FieldName="ChangedOn" />
<Param FieldName="ChangedBy" />
<Sort FieldName="ChangedOn" />
<Column Caption="Label.Description">
<Text FieldName="Description" />